We offer Green Vitamin grain and seed Sprouter proudly made in Ukraine to make every family healthy

How to sprout

Sprouting converts raw grain into a complete, easily digestible food product of high quality, to a much greater extent than any other modern ways of grain processing.

It is very easy to sprout the seeds of cereals, beans and nuts. All that you need is to create favorable conditions for them, and then they would grow themselves. For the sprouts to bring you the maximum benefit, your seeds, grains, beans that you have chosen to spout should be live (thermally and chemically untreated) and intended for human consumption (and not for planting as they are often treated with pesticides). You can get the highest quality sprouts from certified organic grains and seeds.

The process of sprouting is very easy and does not require any special efforts.

You will need:

1. Good quality seeds (certified organic is the best)

2. Clean drinking water

3. The Sprouter

4. Additional glassware to keep sprouts in the refrigerator

Pay attention to four factors:


The required humidity:

Ripe seeds are in a state of sleep. The viability of seeds stored in such state can preserve for years provided that its moisture content is in the range of 3% to 14%. Therefore, water is the trigger factor for the sprouting process.

After the first minutes of the seed's exposure to water its breath intensifies by many times, and the synthesis of enzymes starts, the main task of which is to split the complex spare nutrients into simpler ones. All nutrients necessary for life are mobilized and are sent to the growing organs of the seedling.

By rinsing the grain several times a day, you keep it humid. You also wash off carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products that can cause spoilage and souring of grain. Use of cold water ventilates and cools down the sprouts preventing overheating. The proper drainage removes excess moisture that can cause mold and rot.


The required temperature:

The ideal temperature for sprouting depends on the seeds but in general lies within the range of 21 and 29 degrees C. To protect the small sprouts, keep the Sprouter away from droughts, direct heat and sunlight.


Free air circulation:

To make sure the air circulates freely, keep at least 1/3 of the Sprouter's internal jar empty. Sprouts increase 6-10 times over several days, so give them plenty of room to grow.


Optimal lighting:

Regular lighting is good for sprouting but not direct sunlight.

The five rules of sprouting:

1. Rinse often.

2. Keep the grain humid but not wet.

3. Sprout grain at room temperature.

4. Give it enough room to breathe.

5. Do not put too much grain into the Sprouter jar.

We offer you two instruction manuals for sprouting:

1) good results with minimal efforts

2) detailed instructions for perfect result


  1. Sprouts should have a clean and fresh smell, there should be no odor (sour, stale or musty smell). Do not forget to wash the Sprouter and covers thoroughly with hot water between the sprouting. To eliminate odors and bacteria you can occasionally wash the Sprouter with hot salt water or a soda solution.
  2. Not all seeds will sprout; some species might need more time. It is desirable to separate the seeds that would not sprout (shredded grains, with not characteristic color, wrinkled, husks). It usually floats to the surface during rinsing.
  3. Коли промиваєте насіння в процесі і перед початком пророщування, переконайтеся, що Ви промили його ретельно і вода, яку Ви зливаєте, тепер прозора. When you rinse the seeds before and during sprouting, make sure that you have washed it thoroughly, and the last water is transparent.
  4. We recommend rinsing beans twice more often than other seeds. Soy beans with brown spots should be avoided.
  5. Seeds for sprouting should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature. Quality seeds usually remain viable for 2-5 years. However, preference is always given to a fresh seed.
  6. The sprouted grains are better to eat raw. You can eat it whole or grind in a blender or grinder and then mix with dried fruit, honey, nuts, grated carrots, fresh herbs or fruit. Such dishes with wheat sprouts somewhat reminiscents muesli. Also, you can do fresh salads, vegetable and fruit, with sprouted wheat.
  7. Remember that sprouts are better to eat immediately and not keep them for long. And if you still going to put a dish of sprouted grains in the refrigerator, add some lemon juice or honey to it.
  8. If you chew the sprouted grain and it converts to a "chewing gum", then this variety is not very suitable for sprouting, it is difficult to digest by the body. We recommend to buy small amounts of grain at the start to determine which providers' grain sprouts faster and better, and produces less mucus (in the case of buckwheat), and not moldy.